Thursday, January 15, 2009
PTK lama dalam kenangan
Hai... nampaknya pekeliling baru ni tak membolehkan ayu ambil PTK dengan cara exam bulan April ni... tak dapatlah nak seat PTK . So kita study lain kali la ya.. he..he..
Thursday, January 8, 2009
What Is Exam
Friends, everybody eager to seat an exam... but sometime didnt know what is actually an exam .. let share this... i got it from wikipedia.
A test or an examination (or "exam") is an assessment, often administered on paper or on the computer, intended to measure the test-takers' or respondents' (often a student) knowledge, skills, aptitudes, or classification in many other topics (e.g., beliefs). Tests are often used in education, professional certification, counseling, psychology (e.g., MMPI), the military, and many other fields. The measurement that is the goal of testing is called a test score, and is "a summary of the evidence contained in an examinee's responses to the items of a test that are related to the construct or constructs being measured." Test scores are interpreted with regards to a norm or criterion, or occasionally both. The norm may be established independently, or by statistical analysis of a large number of subjects.
A standardized test is one that is administered and scored in a consistent matter to ensure legal defensibility.A large proportion of formal testing is standardized. A standardized test with important consequences for the individual examinee is referred to as a high stakes test.
The basic component of a test is an item, which are stored in an item bank. Items are often colloquially referred to as "questions," but not every item is phrased as a question; it may be such things as a true/false statement or a task that must be performed (if a performance test).
Many possible item formats are available for test construction. These include: multiple-choice, free response, performance or simulation, true/false, and Likert-type. There is no "best" format to use; the applicability depends on the purpose and content of the test. For example, a test on a complex psychomotor task would be better served by a performance or simulation item than a true/false item.
At AADK, we have multiple choice and essay question. So... good luck to us. But for me, I love multiple choice. It's easy coz we just need to choose... but choose the right one.
Let Learn : History of Malaysia
Hi... let share something about our country... MALAYSIA....
The name "Malaysia" was adopted in 1963 when the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak formed a 14-state federation.However the name itself had been vaguely used to refer to areas in Southeast Asia prior to that. A map published in 1914 in Chicago has the word Malaysia printed on it referring to certain territories within the Malay Archipelago. The Philippines once contemplated naming their state "Malaysia", but Malaysia adopted the name first in 1963 before the Philippines could act further on the matter. Other names were contemplated for the 1963 federation. Among them was Langkasuka (Langkasuka was an old kingdom located at the upper section of the Malay Peninsula in the first millennium of the common era).
Even further back into history, the English ethnologist George Samuel Windsor Earl in volume IV of Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia in 1850 proposed to name the islands of Indonesia as Melayunesia or Indunesia though he favored the former.
Interesting ! i'snt it?.... it's ok to change to history beside PTK..
The name "Malaysia" was adopted in 1963 when the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak formed a 14-state federation.However the name itself had been vaguely used to refer to areas in Southeast Asia prior to that. A map published in 1914 in Chicago has the word Malaysia printed on it referring to certain territories within the Malay Archipelago. The Philippines once contemplated naming their state "Malaysia", but Malaysia adopted the name first in 1963 before the Philippines could act further on the matter. Other names were contemplated for the 1963 federation. Among them was Langkasuka (Langkasuka was an old kingdom located at the upper section of the Malay Peninsula in the first millennium of the common era).
Even further back into history, the English ethnologist George Samuel Windsor Earl in volume IV of Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia in 1850 proposed to name the islands of Indonesia as Melayunesia or Indunesia though he favored the former.
Interesting ! i'snt it?.... it's ok to change to history beside PTK..
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Same Topic : Kod Etika No 2
Before this we already learn about first ethic code. Now we continue with the second ethic.
2. Menolong Penagih Dadah Secara Profesional Berlandaskan Keperluan Sebagai Insan Yang Mempunyai Maruah dan Harga Diri
Kod no 2 ni bila ayu baca semua fokus pada klien. Kita rumus macam ni jelah... supaya mudah nak ingat dan faham
- kita perlu utamakan kepentingan klien, hormat privasi klien, faham dan hormat latar belakang klien
- Pelihara kesejahteraan, jangan ambil kesempatan tak kiralah aspek kewangan, seksual,emosi dan apa-apa je lah.. tak baik ...
- Bimbing klien utk bentuk tingkahlaku yang baik, hormat keputusan klien... tapi kita kenalah bentuk tingkahlaku kita dulu ya..
- No diskriminasi - tak kira dari sudut ras, jantina dll
- Jelaskan pada klien tentang keperluan,proses, implikasi, hak dan had perkhidmatan yang AADK beri
- Rujuk klien pada pihak luar yang lebih pakar kalau kita tak dapat tangani dengan kita punya ilmu kat dada
- Sediakan tempat yang selesa dan privasi khususnya utk sesi kaunseling, kalau nak rakam video kena minta izin klien dulu
Ok... Kita Stop dulu... Baby ayu dah nangis.... we continue next time,.... Bye..
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Let Study : Kod Etika AADK
Ada 5 Kod Etika AADK yang nak kena kita faham. Ikutkan tiap-tiap bulan kita baca ikrar ni masa perhimpunan. Tapi kenapa payah benor nak kita ingat. Jom kita baca lagi.
1. Mendukung visi dan misi AADK sebagai satu amanah.
apa ni ya.. bukan setakat hafal je.. nak kena faham.. ini penjelasannya
- Memahami matlamat dan aspirasi organisasi untuk mewujudkan masyarakat bebas dari dadah.
- Menjadikan tugas dan tanggungjawab sebagai satu amanah yang mesti dilaksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya.
- Berinovatif dan boleh memberi idea baru yang boleh membawa kepada perubahan/pembaharuan bagi mempertingkatkan kualiti organisasi;
- Menyesuaikan diri dengan tugas dan sentiasa mengutamakan kepentingan organisasi
- Mematuhi segala polisi prosedur serta meningkatkan kecekapan dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan organisasi.
- Tidak menyalahgunakan segala kemudahan dan sumber organisasi.
Enough for tonight. We continue later when i'm free..
Let Practice English and study
I got this idea from a friend. Why dont we practice our writing skill using this blog. Maybe it's quite embrassing because my english was poor. But who know. This is a good way to improve our skill. You are welcome to comment and teach me.
Topics for today : Jet's Ski Tournament at Precint 6, Putrajaya
This is a picture one of the lake at Precint 6 Putrajaya. This picture was taken on November 2008. There was a Jet Ski tournament occur. One of the participant was ready to start . Very interesting tournament. We also can see a new hotel already operated.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Bidang : Keutuhan Peribadi
Jom baca dan faham:-
Visi AADK (apa yang nak AADK Impikan)
Masyarakat Malaysia Bebas Dari Dadah
Misi A ADK (Caranya... )
Agensi Utama Memerangi Dadah
Objektif AADK
Visi AADK (apa yang nak AADK Impikan)
Masyarakat Malaysia Bebas Dari Dadah
Misi A
Agensi Utama Memerangi Dadah
Objektif AADK
- Mencegah seseorang dari terlibat dengan dadah
- Merawat dan memulih penagih dadah
- Mencegah penagihan semula
- Membanteras bekalan, pengedaran dan penyalahgunaan dadah
Stategi AADK
Menghapuskan permintaan dan bekalan dadah dalam negara melalui:
Rawatan dan Pemulihan
Kerjasama Antarabangsa
ok... cukup untuk hari ini..hingga jumpa di topik lain dalam bidang keutuhan peribadi
Mari Membaca dan Share Note Untuk Lulus PTK
Kawan-kawan, saya dapat idea ni sebab saya ... ala pelik la nak sebut saya.. Ok.. Lebih mesra kalau sebut ayu kan. Ayu dapat idea nak tukar cara prepare untuk ambil exam PTK. Kalau dulu ayu ambil masa hampir setahun baca buku rujukan. Kali ini ayu nak belajar dan share apa yang ayu dah baca dengan cara type nota dalam blog. Dengan harapan kawan-kawan diluar sana tak kira siapa, gred apa pun dapat share nota-nota yang ada, bukan nota saja. Maklumat baru ke.. tips ke.. ayu nak prepare untuk ambil PTK pada bulan April 2009.
Nak tahu kenapa, ada pekeliling baru keluar berkaitan PTK, salah satunya cakap pegawai yang memangku boleh seat PTK tapi keputusannya tak lebih dari Aras III. Ok kan. Banyak changes berlaku tapi ayu nak dengar taklimat dari JPA dulu before share dengan kawan-kawan sebab ayu takut salah faham. Baca sahaja tak cukup. Nak kena ada explaination baru faham dengan betul. So dijemput mana-mana orang yang berminat untuk share note. Tak kira la topik umum ke khusus ke..
Oh ya.. jadual baru peperiksaan PTK, Perkhidmatan Subjek Jabatan dan KPSL dan diedarkan. Borang dan sukatan boleh lah download dari laman web AADK tapi untuk Gred S sahaja ya.
Pantai Teluk Bidara
Inilah Pantai Teluk Bidara. Tempat yang paling selamat bagi saya untuk bagi anak-anak mandi sebab ada batu-batu yang halang ombak besar. Pantai ini letaknya lebih kurang 15 minit dari bandar Dungun. Masa saya pergi kelmarin bendera merah tengah berkibar. Nampaknya tak boleh lah kami mandi. tapi boleh lagi main air kat tepi. Angin kuat, nyaman....Kalau datang ke Terengganu bolehlah singgah. Pantainya bersih. Syabas orang Terengganu. Cantik kan kurniaan Allah.
Tinggalan Sejarah di Kampungku
Pertama kali masuk blog
Hari ini 1.1.2009. Selamat tahun baru . Azam tahun baru nak cuba benda baru. Saya dan keluarga ada kat kampung di Terenganu. Something yang baru dan seronok sebab dapat sambut tahun baru dekat kampung dengan family. Ini pertama kali create blog. Saya berminat buka blog lepas baca buletin AADK Okt/Nov. Saya bercadang untuk share maklumat dengan kawan-kawan yang bekerja di Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan tentang perkara yang baik-baik je contohnya nota-nota peperiksaan, perkembangan yang baru yang patut kita tahu, peringatan-peringatan tentang peperiksaan dan lain-lain. Pendek kata yang berguna sahaja. Yang tak berguna tak payahlah kita share ya.
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